**TIP** Please don't type your text all in capitals as it actually makes the text size smaller! We will always make the text as big as we can.
1. Alaska Font
2. Arial Font
3. Arial Round Font
4. Bangers Font
5. Candy Round Font
6. Challenge Font
7. Comic Sans Font
8. Cooper Font
9. Courier Font
10. Curlz Font
11. Hobo Font
12. Kristen Font
13. Lobster Font
14. Magnolia Script Font
15. Marker Felt Font
16. Palatino Font
17. Ravie Font
18. Rockwell Font
19. Segoe Print Font
20. Segoe Script Font
21. Varsity Font
(The capitals with outlines will only be used for our initial and number designs and not names, as the text size is too small.)
22. Western Font
Hessian Snowman Christmas Stocking
A Hessian Snowman Design Christmas Stocking with hanging loop.
Size:- Approx 19cm across the top and 40cm top to bottom (furthest points) Good quality stocking which is slightly padded.
To start personalising, simply fill in the options below with your required name (up to 10 characters), thread colour and embroidered font.
UK delivery is also FREE and orders are usually sent out within 24 to 48 hours (excluding weekends, bank holidays and busy periods such as Christmas)
Your chosen name is expertly embroidered on the top of the christmas stocking. We pride ourselves on providing very high quality gifts.
Would look great hanging from anyone's fireplace or sat by a christmas tree or child's bed.
**Please check spelling carefully and don't use all CAPITALS as this actually makes the text size smaller, we will make the text size as big as we can to fill up the space on the top of the stocking**